The existing raw-water pump toilet was in horrible condition and at the
end of life. It used sea water to flush with a 12-V motor that operated the hand
pump mechanism (could be manually pumped if necessary). The toilet was
removed and discarded along with the existing hoses and macerator pump.
I built a new plywood mount bracket to support the new macerator pump and
timer control. A new Y-valve was installed with new sanitary hoses. Upon installing
the new toilet, it was connected to fresh water supply from under the sink via installation
of a T-fitting. The new toilet came with a check valve to prevent back flow into the the
fresh water supply line. A new discharge hose from the toilet was routed to the holding
tank (downsized from 2" to 1") using new sanitary hose. Finally, I was able to stop raw
sewage from spilling into the hull by gaining access to and tightening the holding tank
ambient vent line. New controls for the toilet allow normal flush, water fill only, and dry flush.
The new system is much more sanitary and easy to use. A future project to change the
ugly baby-blue color of the tub/sink/shower surround to a more neutral, off-white color is on the to-do list.